
Monday, January 24, 2011

Come journey with Hiram College.....

Gandhi once said, "Be the change you want to see in the world". Although change takes time, it begins with a single effort. Reaching out to a child in need is a great way to instill change by empowering them to believe that THEY can grow up to be productive and prosperous human beings. Most of us take nature and the physical principles of science for granted. Can you imagine, trying to understand the world as a child without an understanding of why plants are green, how a germ causes an infection, how a soap bubble forms, or how a lever lifts an object? I look forward to seeing the "wow" in the eyes of the Dominican children as they experience the richness of understanding the natural world. Journey with me, Cristina, and the students of Hiram College as we bring science to the beautiful, innocent, and young children of the Dominican Republic.... Jody


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